
Osteopathy is a safe and effective natural, holistic form of hands-on therapy aimed at assessing, diagnosing, and treating a wide range of concerns of problems from injuries, postural issues, and other health issues to assist in the recovery of health and wellbeing. Osteopaths believe that the body has a natural capacity for healing and believe that physical imbalances and strains can reduce the body’s ability to maintain itself in a state of health.

Rooted deeply in the sciences of anatomy, physiology, neurology and pathology, osteopathy works on the principle that a healthy body requires free movement of all tissues; muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints, along with a balanced blood and nerve supply.

Osteopaths believe that the wellbeing of an individual depends on all parts of the body working well together. Therefore, if one part of the body is restricted, this will have a knock-on effect on other areas, as the body tries to adapt and compensate for the stresses and strains which develop. This can be caused by accidents, infections, or emotional stress, which can accumulate, and affect the body’s capacity to respond and restore itself to optimum health.

Osteopaths have a highly developed sense of touch, and use a wide range of non-invasive manual treatments, such as physical manipulation, articulation, stretching and massage/soft tissue as well as several other more subtle and gentle techniques to relieve tension, improve mobility and enhance the blood and nerve supply to tissues in order to help return the body to a better state of balance and health.

Osteopaths treat the whole person, and not just the areas of the body causing symptoms. Treatments are therefore tailored to the individual, which means that they are better able to meet your specific needs and help prevent your symptoms recurring. Osteopaths can also provide advice on posture and exercise to aid recovery, promote health and prevent symptoms recurring.

Osteopaths believe everyone can benefit from a tailored, whole-person approach to health and treat patients of all ages from babies to the elderly.

All osteopaths must be registered with the General Osteopathic Council in order to work in the UK and hold up to date professional indemnity insurance. They are also recognised as Allied Health Professionals. Osteopaths also work closely with other healthcare professionals such as consultants, GPs, nurses, midwives, and other Allied Health Professionals.

New patient (60 minutes) – £ 80.00

Return patient (30 minutes) – £ 55.00