
can osteopathy

help you

what is osteopathy

Osteopathy is a safe and effective natural, holistic form of hands-on therapy aimed at assessing, diagnosing, and treating a wide range of concerns of problems from injuries, postural issues, and other health issues to assist in the recovery of health and wellbeing.

Osteopaths use a wide range of non-invasive manual treatments, such as physical manipulation, articulation, stretching and massage/soft tissue as well as several other more subtle and gentle techniques to relieve tension, improve mobility and enhance the blood and nerve supply in order to help ease pain or discomfort and help return the body to a better state of balance and health.

Osteopaths may use additional tools such as acupuncture / dry needling or kinesiology taping and provide exercise rehab programmes to help supplement their treatment and facilitate your recovery.

what to expect

on your first visit

All osteopathic appointments consist of a consultation, examination, and specially designed treatment plan.

At your first appointment, which usually lasts 40-60 minutes, some time will be taken to get to know you as an individual by means of taking a detailed case history. Questions relating to your presenting complaints will be asked as well and others relating to general health, past medical history, previous accidents, injuries or operations, your diet, sports, hobbies or any activities, and any stress. If you have any available medical tests related to your complaint (x-rays, scans, MRI), please bring them with you.

A thorough physical examination will then be carried out. This will include watching you do a few different movements as well as using our highly developed sense of touch to assess the health of your joints and tissues, and identify any areas of excessive strain, weakness or injury. Other examinations such as testing your reflexes or listening to your heart and lungs may be performed to fully inform our diagnosis. Occasionally, you may be asked to dress down to your underwear to help with the examination process. In this instance, a gown, towel or blanket will be provided for your comfort.  

After your problem has been diagnosed, our examination findings will be explained, and you will be provided with a verbal treatment plan. Often this plan will aim to reduce your pain and discomfort, increase your range of movement, and help improve your overall health and wellbeing. Recommendations for lifestyle changes, diet, and exercises that will help to speed your recovery may also be made. During treatment, a variety of different techniques may be used, and it is likely that you will feel sensations of pressure, warmth, or mild soreness.

Usually, Patients feel an immediate benefit from their treatment. However, there may be occasions where a mild reaction to treatment occurs, this will usually settle down within 48 hours. Should you have any concerns after your treatment, please call us and we will be happy to reassure you.

Where necessary, we may ask you to see your doctor for specialist medical investigations such as scans or blood tests, or for referral to a consultant.

what can

osteopathy treat

Although osteopaths are best known for treating back pain, they are also able to help you and your family with a wide range of other common problems such as:

  • Back, neck, jaw, shoulder, hip, knee, foot, and ankle pain
  • Joint pain (including some types of arthritic or rheumatic pain)
  • Headaches (especially those caused by neck tension)
  • Migraine prevention
  • Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue
  • Sciatica
  • Stress, anxiety, or the inability to relax
  • Jaw pain, clicking jaw or TMJ disorders
  • Acute or chronic injuries
  • Digestive or circulatory problems
  • Neuralgia
  • Birth trauma
  • Minor sports injuries
  • Generalised aches and pains

about me

Lexi is a young, dedicated, and compassionate osteopath who graduated from the London School of Osteopathy with a passion for working alongside patients to fully appreciate the root cause of their symptoms, adapting her treatment style to suit their specific needs. She aims to engage, inspire, and empower her patients within each treatment session, allowing them to experience ease and relief from their presenting symptoms.

Lexi holds a masters degree in Osteopathy as well as qualifications in sports massage, iridology, dry needling (Western Medical Acupuncture), Buccal massage (a technique aimed at relieving jaw tension) and paediatric osteopathy. She is also in the process of completing a postgraduate diploma in Specialist Paediatric Osteopathic Practice.

Additionally, Lexi is a qualified clinical Pilates therapist and integrates Pilates exercises into her treatment plans, empowering her patients with the tools to improve core strength, flexibility, and posture

Although she has a special interest in women’s health and paediatrics, Lexi enjoys treating patients from a variety of different backgrounds.

frequently asked questions

As it is important to see how your body copes with movement and stretching, we would ask that you wear shorts, leggings or loose clothes. Occasionally, you may be asked to dress down to your underwear to help with the examination process. In this instance, a gown, towel o blanket will be provided for your comfort.  

At your first treatment, a detailed case history will be taken from you which will cover your current problem, your health history, the medications you are on and any other question relevant to your medical history. All your answers will be noted and kept confidential. We will then examine you based on the case history which involves asking you to make some simple movements and stretches so that we can see your posture and movement. Following this, your diagnosis will be explained, and a treatment plan be developed and executed.

If you are on any medications, please bring along your prescription, or a list of names of the medications along with your daily dosage. Please also bring any X-Ray imaging, MRIs or medical reports where relevant. If you wear orthotics in your everyday shoes or your trainers / sports shoes, please also bring these along as well.

You can pay by cash or with credit card.

Lexi has experience in treating a broad range of complaints, from back problems to everyday aches and pains, as well as specialist training in paediatric osteopathy and in the care of women, during and after pregnancy.

Her aim is to aid recovery back to optimum health, using a variety of gentle non-invasive manual techniques to release tension and strain, and restore harmony and balance to the body.

Whether for back pain, a sporting injury, stress-induced headaches, postural strains and much more, treatments are tailored to meet your individual needs, and those of your family.

She can also provide advice on posture and exercises to further recovery, promote health and help prevent symptoms recurring.  When necessary, referrals may be made to your doctor, for specialist medical investigations or consultant referral

If you have further questions that you would like to discuss before making an appointment, please call 073 8352 3660 or email info@epsomosteocare.co.uk

You can get in touch by phone ( 073 8352 3660 ), by email (info@epsomosteocare.co.uk) or use the contact form. Alternatively use the quick and easy online booking system.

The number of treatments will vary depending on the problem and individual. After a thorough assessment, Lexi will discuss her treatment plan with you and give you tools to monitor your recovery process.

New patient osteopathy (60mins) – £ 80.00

Return patient osteopathy (30mins) – £ 55.00

Osteopathy and dry needling (new patient) – £ 90.00

Osteopathy and dry needling (return patient) – £ 65.00

Osteopathy and kinesiology taping (new patient) – £ 85.00

Osteopathy and kinesiology taping (return patient) – £ 60.00

Clinical Pilates (30 minutes) – £ 40.00

Osteopathy and Clinical Pilates (60 minutes) – £ 90.00

TMJ release massage (30 minutes) – £ 55.00

Pilates or Barre group classes (45 minutes) – £ 10.00 per person

Buccal massage (new patient) – £80
